Youth Development

The Academy is a national initiative designed to serve middle school girls, 11-14 years of age, who have the potential, but limited opportunity to achieve success in life. The local program meets at least once monthly and its primary focus is to instill the importance to excel academically, improve their self esteem while developing or enhancing skills in technology, life skills, and leadership. Participants also attend cultural events and participate in community service projects. This program is housed at Swann Middle School.
This program is an outgrowth of Delta Academy that is designed to reach high school girls 14-18 years of age. The Delta GEMS framework is designed to form a roadmap for college and career planning. The topics are designed to inspire the girls to achieve high levels of academic success; instill the need to excel academically; learn about goal setting and planning for the future; and create compassionate, caring, and community
minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities. GEMS participants meet at least once monthly with special outings planned throughout the year such as cultural events and community service. This program is housed at Bennett College for Women and is done in partnership with the Omicron Delta Chapter.
Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence (EMBODI) is designed to empower African American males ages 13-17 in the areas of leadership, arts, self-esteem, college preparation, and budgeting. EMBODI recognizes the challenges that African American males face in education an the community. By collaborating with outstanding males from male organizations within the community who serve as facilitators at monthly meetings, it it desire that the young men will remain with the program until graduation from high school. This will provide the committee an opportunity to measure and fully evaluate the success and goals of the program.
The Jabberwock Pageant has been sponsored annually by the Greensboro Alumnae Chapter since 1981. As of 2018, there has been more than $1.6 million raised for the pageant. Greensboro Alumnae has partnered with the Greensboro Alumnae Delta Cultural Enrichment Center, Inc. to sponsor the pageant and is a method for young ladies to raise funds for scholarship. The Jabberwock Pageant spans a period of eight months featuring cultural, educational, social, and service learning opportunities for the participants. The chapter’s ultimate goal for participants is to provide a comprehensive approach designed to instill inspiration and to further the future aspirations of the participants. Moreover, the aim is to assist young women of the Greensboro area in becoming productive, contributing future leaders in their communities and beyond.
Science and Everyday Experiences (SEE) - The SEE Initiative helps parents and caregivers of African American children and children of color to develop effective ways to support children's informal science and mathematics experiences. Our local program currently services the fifth graders at Next Generation Academy. This program provides an opportunity for the students to not only learn about science but to significantly increase their science scores.